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2279 results for the term !Collection:"Science Sociale"
Women Agency, Culture, and Crime in Education
Les extrémismes développementalistes et leurs conséquences sur les pratiques de développement en Afrique subsaharienne
Le développement du sport de performance au Bénin
The Impact of Non-formal Education on Skills and Knowledge of Community Development Workers
On Resuscitating the Aborted National Project : A Retrospective and Prospective View (Notes from my Last Conversation with Thandika Mkandawire)
Cheru, Fantu
Baptists and the Ordination of Women in Malawi
Cut to the Chase. Scriptwriting for Beginners
Managing the Finances of a Family
Leap 4.0. African Perspectives on the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Africa, Human Rights and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Beyond Good Intentions
Cabral Pinto
Catholics, Peasants, and Chewa Resistance in Nyasaland 1889-1939
Eva Pendaeli's Original Tanzania Cookbook
Kielezo cha Fasili
The Pandemic and Social Science Approaches to Teaching and Learning
Nigerian Gods
L'importance de la motivation sur la performance organisationnelle des entreprises
Islam et développement : Economie politique de la Char'îa. Le Coran et la Sunna, Max Weber et les autres.
Diouf, Makhtar
Where is my Daddy?
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