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378 results for the term de Classification: "Politique"
Political Uncertainty and its Impact on Social Service Delivery in Uganda
Khisa, Moses
Contributing Factors to Poor Service Delivery by Administrative Employees in the Gauteng Public Service in South Africa
Antwerpen, Sumei van ; Ferreira, Edmund
Democracy and Development : A Disputed Pair
Rudebeck, Lars
I am an African : A Critical Examination of the Politics of Transnational Identity within the Context of African Integration
Fagbayibo, Babatunde
Dispute resolution and electoral justice in Africa : The way forward
Nkansah, Lydia Apori
Repenser la démocratie délibérative en Afrique à l’aune de la palabre africaine : une approche philosophique par la théorie des capabilités
Aliana, Serge Bernard Emmanuel
Sustained Terrorism on Africa
Mentan, Tatah
A Just Transition to a Low Carbon Future in South Africa
Xaba, Nqobile ; Fakir, Saliem
Zimbabwe : Essays, Non Fictions and Letters
Mwanaka, Rinos
Battling Language Rights Governance in Africa
Fossungu, Ateh-Afac
Hidden processes of reconciliation in Mozambique : The entangled Histories of truth-seeking Commissions held between 1975 and 1982
Meneses, Maria Paula
Institutional Design and the implementation of the African Peace Security Architecture in Eastern Africa
Rwengabo, Sabastiano
African Democracy
Thompson, Gardner
Democratic Engineering in Rwanda and Burundi
Kagabo, Jean-Marie
Morgan Richard Tsvangirai's Legacy
Marongwe, Ngonidzashe
Nigerians' Views on National Turmoil
Badejo, Babafemi A.
The African Renaissance Project of Thabo Mbeki
Makgetlaneng, Sehlare
The Mwanawasa Years
Ntomba, Reginald
Leaving so Many Behind
Kanyenze, Godfrey
Économie hévéicole et engagement politique des jeunes producteurs à Bettié en Côte d’Ivoire
Kouassi, Noël
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