
Inequality and Climate Change

Perspectives from the South

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Delgado-Ramos, Gian Carlo

Livrel 204p.
(Environmental Issues and Ecology)
ISBN: 9782869786769
Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of the twenty-first century. Anthropogenic activities, such as fossil fuel consumption and other activities focused on enhancing economic growth, have been identified as the main drivers of changes in t he environment that defy planetary boundaries. The transgression of planetary boundaries has profound implications for practically all biophysical and human systems and their impact could also be related to the exacerbation of existing problems such as lan d tenure insecurity, poverty and inequality, marginalization of poorer populations, climate induced migration, and resource wars or conflicts. From a global South perspective, research on the multifaceted nature of climate change is thus necessary and appr opriate, including the analysis of socioeconomic, political and cultural aspects. This book is an outcome of the Comparative Research Workshop on "Inequality and Climate Change: Perspectives from the South"« of the South-South Collaborative Programme of C LACSO-CODESRIA-IDEAS. It gathers a diversity of case studies from the South with ample biophysical differences and particular social and cultural realities. As such, it is a fresh contribution offering a vantage point from which to examine some of the curr ent perspectives on inequality and climate change.
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