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274 résultats pour la Collection: "Education"
Malawian Missionaries in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands 1916-1928
Baamá fàrè ou paroles des ancêtres : Contes redits du Tchad
Kouago, Abdoulaye
Teaching and Learning in Context : Why Pedagogical Reforms Fail in Sub-Saharan Africa
Tabulawa, Richard
Peaches and Smeets
Trails in Academic and Administrative Leadership in Kenya
Michieka, Ratemo Waya
Dissent : The Highest Stage of Patriotism
Vakunta, Wuteh
Victory Over Fear vol2
A Matter of Identity
Social Work Practice in Africa
Twikirize, Janestic ; Spitzer, Helmut
The Role of Older Persons in Uganda : Assessing Socio-demographic Determinants of Older Persons’ Value
Nzabona, Abel ; Ntozi, James
Covid-19 Lockdown and the ‘Work-From-Home’ Approach
Nation Building in South Africa
Understanding Confusion in Africa
Fossungu, Ateh-Afac
Digital Technology in Capacity Development
Wild, Joanna ; Nzegwu, Femi
General Pedagogy
Zama, A. ; Endeley, N.
One World, Many Knowledges : Regional experiences and cross-regional links in higher education
Halvorsen, Tar ; Vale, Peter
The Youth and Political Ideology in Ghanaian Politics
Africa’s Growth and Development Strategies
Fundamentals of Subtitling
Against the Odds
Ndlovu, Mary
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