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2242 résultats pour le terme de Classification: "Savoirs"
“Cabo Verde à beira da revolução”
The Making of the ‘Informal State’ in Uganda
US Foreign Policy under President Barack Obama and the Promotion of Multilateralism and the Rule of Law
Changing the Culture of Migration?
An Overview of a Regionalist Approach to Tobacco Control in Africa
Assessing China’s Relations with Africa
Déterminants de la compétitivité financière des PME Sénégalaises
Recontextualisation of the Concept of Godfatherism
Economic Security in an Agrarian Community
The Role of Trust as an Informal Institution in the Informal Sector in Africa
Residents’ Perceptions of Property Rating in a Traditional African City
The Potential Contribution of Love-Sex Songs to the Spread or Prevention of HIV/AIDS
Militancy in the Niger Delta and the Deepening Crisis of the Oil Economy in Nigeria
Claude E. Ake and the Praxis of Knowledge Production in Africa
e-commerce en Afrique- mode d'emploi
La Charte de Kurukan Fuga
L’infra-constitution camerounaise
Le Code électoral au Cameroun
La bonne administration de la justice au Cameroun
Soigner au péril de sa vie?
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